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County Clerk Warns Against Suspicious Mailings Sent to Homeowners

County Clerk Lisa Dell wants homeowners to be aware of correspondence that is being sent to homeowners asking for final demand for payment for nonpayment of taxes to the State of New York or their property will be seized. In the header of the correspondence, it states:

  • Tax Processing Unit
  • Internal Processing Service
  • Onondaga County County
  • Public Judgment Records

“I want the residents of Onondaga County to be aware that this entity sending out such requests are not related to the Onondaga County Clerk’s Office or any other department inside Onondaga County government to include Onondaga County Real Property Services,” said Clerk Lisa Dell.

Often there is misspelled words in such type of correspondence or poor grammar. Using the word, “County”, twice in the letterhead is a good example of this. If you receive, anything in the mail about your property records that seems questionable, Ms. Dell encourages you to contact her office at 315-435-2227 or email her at