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Phone: (315) 435-2235

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Hunting & Fishing Applications are available at the Onondaga County Clerk’s Office. The Clerk’s office also has Wildlife, Hunting, Trapping & Fishing Regulation Maps and Guides available. Sporting License Year is October 1st – September 30th of the following year. Sales Year is from Mid-August through September 30.

Please Note:  The County Clerk’s Office also sells Federal Duck Stamps.

Requirements for Licenses:

  • For hunting and bow licenses a previous hunting license or hunter safety course certificate is needed for proof of eligibility. (Back Tags are not accepted)
  • Proof of identification, Drivers License or Photo I.D.
  • New York State Residency. (Non Resident Licenses are available.) Lost Your License?? You must contact agent who sold you your last license. If they have a record of your sale, they can issue a replacement license for $5.00 per stamp. Photo I.D. is required. For information on hunter education courses and certificates contact the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation at (518) 457-3521.