Pay Taxes, View Bills, Get Receipts Online
Properties outside City of Syracuse-Town Properties can view & print tax bills and receipts or pay taxes online.
Properties outside City of Syracuse-Town Properties can view & print tax bills and receipts or pay taxes online.
Look up property information including prior sales, dimensions, assessment values etc.
The annual Real Property Tax Auction is done yearly in October via an on-line platform. properties will be listed starting in September.
Looking for information on exemptions on your property taxes. March 1st is deadline for County properties outside the Syracuse City limits.
Tax maps can be accessed on-line, in the county office, or purchased and received by mail.
Use our Onondaga County Geographic Information Systems (GIS) online application.
The Onondaga County Real Property Tax Services office, located on the 15th floor of the Civic Center on Montgomery Street, accepts payments for delinquent taxes on properties not located in the city of Syracuse. These payments are any County taxes that were not paid by March 31st of that year and school/village taxes not paid by November 1st of that year.
Phone: 315-435-2426
To mail payments:
Please make check payable to Chief Fiscal Officer and mail to:
Chief Fiscal Officer
PO Box 1004
Syracuse, NY 13201