Frequently high school students will take a course through their high school giving them college credit through a community college in NYS. These students will not have to pay any tuition for these courses, as long as they can prove their residence to Onondaga County.
Example: Johnny Q Student lives in Liverpool and is taking an AP Course giving him college credit through Cayuga Community College; he doesn’t have a driver’s license, bank account, car, or cell phone bill in his name. He completes the application as required and has it notarized at his school’s main office using his school ID. At the office he asks for an unofficial transcript with his physical address on it (to fulfill the 30-day documentation). Johnny then heads home and gets a copy of the front page of his parents’ income taxes filed the PREVIOUS YEAR showing him as a dependent and with their physical address (to fulfill the 1 year documentation). He gives the completed form and copies of documents to his AP teacher who forwards it to the college.
Other Community College Students – If you live in Onondaga County and attending a New York State SUNY/CUNY community college, instructions and form to prove your residence to Onondaga County are available HERE.