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Admissions and Orientation

Upon arrival, the youth is searched and clothing is exchanged for a Hillbrook uniform. All property is relinquished and secured until the youth is released. All necessary hygiene items are provided by the facility. The youth participates in an interview designed to gather information relevant to physical and mental health, behavior, family and education. The youth also learns about the rules and expectations of Hillbrook, their responsibilities during detainment and their rights as a resident. Hillbrook staff provides guidance, leadership, and proper role model behavior to assist each resident in adjusting to detention, and seek to alleviate fear and anxiety.

Out of County Admissions
All jurisdictions outside of Onondaga County seeking an admission must call the on-duty
Senior Counselor at 315.435.1421.
Availability is based on the current youth population, as well as a review of the completed
“Out of County Admission” paperwork. If a bed is available, print and complete the admissions paperwork.
Then fax to 315.435.2671 or e-mail/scan to the on-duty Senior Counselor.

This packet needs to be fully completed in order to make an admission determination.

After review of the paperwork and a discussion with management and the medical department,
the Senior will call to inform of decision.

Click here for Out of County Admission Packet