Visitation Rules
- Only parents, guardians or grandparents may visit.
- No individual under the age of 18 shall be allowed to visit unless they receive prior authorization from the Social Work Supervisor or Administration.
- Parents or guardians who are unable to visit during regular visiting hours will be accommodated by schedule through the Social Work Caseworker.
- All visitors must provide current, official identification that includes a photo and date of birth.
- Visitors who appear under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be admitted to the facility.
- Visitors will secure all belongings in a locker provided in the main lobby.
- Visitors shall be required to successfully pass through a metal detector.
- All visitors are subject to search.
- Visitors are expected to dress appropriately. Visitors who fail to do so will not be admitted to the facility.
- Visitors may not bring food and/or beverages into the facility.
- Visitors may not give anything directly to residents.
- Visitors are not permitted access beyond the designated visiting area.
- Visitors are expected to conduct themselves appropriately. Failure to do so will result in termination of the visit.
- If there is a threat that compromises the security of the facility, visits will be terminated.