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Hillbrook works with the understanding that education and the development of each youth’s potential are critical in helping them become productive and successful youth. 

All youth detained at Hillbrook, regardless of where they are in their educational process, have the opportunity to maintain or catch up on their course credits. 

The Director of Education meets individually with each youth to get an understanding of where they are academically and communicates with their home school to obtain a current report card, transcripts and any Individualized Educational Plans or 504 Plans.

Each youth continues enrollment at their home school, and continue with online classes based on their current home school schedule.  the online classes are however, once the Director establishes the student’s core learning courses, the youth can continue their  online courses based on their engage in their work throughout their time at Hillbrook.

The educational staff are informed of each youth’s individualized coursework and provide instruction and support.

The educational staff facilitate classroom learning:

  • Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 3:15 pm
  • School is in session year-round
  • Teachers are certified to instruct Math, Science, Art and physical education 

Typical School Day Includes:

  • Classrooms: three hours of online coursework
  • Physical Education
  • Art Class
  • Life Skills Lessons: Topics include anger management, financial literacy and communication skills.
  • Friday Afternoons–based on positive youth behaviors shown during the week, youth have the opportunity to participate in “Incentive Based Programs” (Canine Connections and the Dog Therapy Program)

When a youth is released from Hillbrook, reports cards and Progress reports are sent to the home school to award any credit.

Questions or Comments regarding the Education Department, contact Shannon McMahon at 315.435.1421 or email at

In addition to the traditional classroom lessons, teachers also provide “Beyond the Classroom” opportunities, such as:

  • Life Skills Program–a curriculum integrated into daily classroom work
  • Cleaning Mangement Institute–Cleaning Management Institute (CMI)
  • Zspace Program–Zspace
  • Canine Connections–retired service dogs, trained in assisting with trauma, brings the youth calming comfort and encourages kindness.  The dogs teach valuable lessons in non-verbal communication and body language.