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The Onondaga County 911 Center is committed to providing equal access to all residents – and the segments of the population with special needs. 

Hearing Impaired

TTY Access

Do not use the relay services to contact Onondaga County 911.  Since systems upgrades in 2002, all call answering positions are TTY capable.  The computerized telephone system automatically recognizes a TTY call and call takers have received training in handling of TTY calls. After your TTY has been recognized by the system type that you need, FIRE, POLICE or EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. Please attempt to answer any questions the call taker may have.  Remember that the call takers have been trained to provide you with helpful instructions prior to the arrival of emergency services so do not hang up until the call taker instructs you to do so.

Contact Aurora locally for answers and to arrange visits or meetings with 911 staff. We work closely with Aurora and write a periodic column for the Siracusa News Letter.

Non-English Speaking Citizens

The Department of Emergency Communications has made a significant effort to ensure that all segments of the community have access to the County’s emergency communications system. To address the needs of the non-English speaking community we have contracted with Language Line. Language Line provides interpreters for over 140 languages. When a call is received in a language other than English a button is pushed and within seconds there is a three-way connection between the caller, calltaker, and a language line general interpreter. The general interpreter identifies the language then connects the call to an interpreter who is fluent in the language of the caller. The interpreter translates between the parties.