Community Education

The Department of Emergency Communications continuously provides our community with public education. We distribute our pamphlet entitled “The Facts About 911“. This pamphlet includes answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding 911 Center operations including, “What happens when I dial 911?”, “Why do they ask me so many questions?”, and “What type of questions will they ask me?” This pamphlet is distributed to various community organizations, neighborhood watch groups, school groups, etc.

In conjunction with The Injury Control Center of Emergency Medicine at Upstate Medical University and AMR Medical Services, we distributed a pamphlet entitled “Wireless 911 Calls: What to do, what to expect.” This pamphlet answers many of the most commonly asked questions regarding using a wireless telephone to call 911.
911 Center Tours and Speaking Engagements
Each year the Department of Emergency Communications provides community education in the form of presentations many of which are to school age children for Career Days, the CNY Works Career Fair, the American Red Cross Career Fair, as well as senior citizens groups, Neighborhood Watch Groups, church groups, Fire Departments, Police Department recruits, and various others.
The Department of Emergency Communications conducts tours at the 911 Center for groups such as fire department members, Cub Scout groups/Boy Scout groups, Brownie Troops/Girl Scouts, Neighborhood Watches throughout the County and City of Syracuse, Senior Citizen Groups, numerous school groups, and many other public safety agencies throughout the state.
Topics covered in the presentations and tours include the local history of 911, which was established in 1992, when you should use 911, what to expect when you call 911, what questions are asked – Where-What-Who-When-Weapons-Why, current operations overview, wireless telephone calls, agency responses and priorities, training and job recruitment, and CALEA Accreditation.
For further information regarding tours, public education or speaking engagements call the administrative office at 315-435-7911.
Please advise Onondaga County Department of Emergency Communications should you need a sign or other language interpreter, an assistive listening system, or any other accommodation to facilitate your participation at this meeting. A program Title VI Coordinator for the Onondaga County Department of Emergency Communications can be contacted by telephone at (315) 435-7911 for more information.