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How to Thank or Compliment a 911 Center Employee

The Onondaga County Department of Emergency Communications welcomes and encourages members of the public and public safety community to compliment our 911 Center employees for a job well done.

It is the policy of the Department of Emergency Communications to handle compliments received from the public [by letter or electronic mail] in the following manner:

  • The compliment will be forwarded to the commissioner’s office for review.
  • A copy will be forwarded to the employee and his or her immediate supervisor.
  • The original document will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
  • Extraordinary actions that may qualify for an award (e.g., commendation, employee of the month) will be forwarded to the department’s Personnel Advisory Committee for further consideration.
  • Award recipients are recognized at daily roll calls and during the annual awards ceremony held during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week held annually during the second full week of April.

If you would like to say thank you to our 911 staff or if you have a compliment about a specific employee or event you may send it anytime by e-mail to Please include as much information about the incident and the employee as possible (e.g., name, date/time, employee’s name, nature of the incident, etc).

E-mail your compliment to or call 315.435.7911.

If you prefer to address your compliment in writing, you may send it to:

Onondaga County Department of Emergency Communications
3911 Central Avenue Syracuse, NY 13215