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Ordering Death Certificates By Fax

Note: Only the spouse, child, parent or sibling of the deceased is entitled to receive a certified copy of a death certificate. If you are not an entitled party and have a legal need for the document, please refer to Step 6 below.

*Proof of Relationship with the deceased is required. Proof of relationship can be established by providing: a birth certificate with parents’ names or an obituary that lists the entitled party as surviving child or sibling. If the child is a minor, their parent or guardian is able to request a certificate on their behalf.

To Order a Death Certificate:

  1. Complete, print and sign a request form. Please use blue or black ink. Electronic signatures are not accepted.
  2. Review the form. Please be sure to complete the applicant and mailing address portions. Please list the child’s and his/her/their mother’s maiden name – not married name. Incomplete applications may result in processing delays.
  3. Payment. Checks and money orders are payable to: The Office of Vital Statistics. Discover, Mastercard and Visa credit cards require a signed form. The cardholder will need to sign a credit card authorization form. If the name on the credit card is different than the name of the individual ordering the certificate, a copy of the cardholder’s ID must be included. The fee is $30.00 for the first certified copy and $15.00 for each additional copy of the same certificate when ordered at the same time. If you pay by check, you must include your phone number on the check.
  4. ID. Include a signed copy of your identification. If your ID has a signature or information on the front and back you must send a copy of both sides. Please make sure the copy is readable, large and clear. Examples of acceptable identification are:
  • Photo driver license with signature
  • Non-driver photo license with signature
  • Passport with signature
  • Military ID with signature
  • Employer’s photo ID with signature
  • Photo social services card with signature
  1. Send. Fax the request to: (315) 435-3614. A certificate is only issued after a completed request form, proper identification, and payment are received.
  2. Letter of legal need. If you are not an entitled party (spouse, child, parent, or sibling) of the deceased, and have a legal need for the death certificate, you must submit a letter from the company, office or agency that needs the document. A letter of legal need is:
  • On letterhead (of company, office or agency)
  • Addressed to you (the individual making the request)
  • Specific. It states that a copy of the deceased’s death certificate is necessary.
  • Signed by a company representative
  • Included in addition to Steps 1-6

Express Shipping

  • Priority Mail (USPS delivery 2-3 business days) Add $20.00
  • Next Business Day (UPS delivery) Add $25.00
  • All other orders are sent regular USPS Mail (7-10 business days to process after they are received)