Retiree Info
Please Contact Employee Benefits at 315-435-3498 or if you, or anyone on your plan is eligible for Medicare either by age (65) or disability (under 65 but collecting Social Security Disability SSD). There is additional paperwork that EB must complete for you to enroll in Medicare A & B without penalty.
It is recommended that you contact EB 2-3 months in advance of your retirement with the following information:
1. Date of Retirement
2. Number of Dependents on your policy
3. Name of anyone on your policy who is eligible for Medicare
- New Retiree Health Insurance Enrollment Form
Scan completed form to:, or mail to:
Employee Benefits, 15th Floor, 421 Montgomery Street, Syracuse NY 13202 - OnPoint Health Insurance Plan
- Medicare Advantage Health Insurance Plan
- Information Regarding Retirement Insurance Benefits
- Pension Deduction Form
- Spouse Questionnaire
- Application for Health Insurance continuation for a Disabled Dependent