Central New York’s Regional Wholesale Water Utility
for Lake Ontario Water
To provide clean, safe, reliable, sustainable and cost-efficient wholesale drinking water from Lake Ontario to the Central Upstate New York region. Integral to this mission is the MWB’s role as an essential public health resource and economic development asset for the community.
The Metropolitan Water Board (MWB) is the administrative body of the Onondaga County Water District (OCWD).
Water is an immeasurably valuable asset for generating opportunities for economic growth and development, and regional prosperity is promoted by having strong, sustainable, long-term water supply and distribution network systems. To that end, Onondaga County, on behalf of the Onondaga County Water District, and the Onondaga County Water Authority (OCWA) have entered into a Public Water Supply Cooperation Agreement. The agreement sets forth the details by which the County, owner of the district assets, cooperates with OCWA, a public water system, for the benefit of all users.
William Barlow
Steve Morgan
Mary Ellen Dougherty
Nicholas Petrovich
Frank Moses
4170 Route 31, Clay, New York 13041
(315) 652-8656