Mission & Objectives of the Justice Center Oversight Committee
In 2015, the Onondaga County Legislature passed a local law to create a jail oversight committee. This panel of community members was convened in March 2016, and was authorized to review serious complaints and incidents that involve the Onondaga County Jail (known as the Justice Center). The Committee was also authorized to generate related recommendations about Justice Center policy, procedure and training.
Complaints may be submitted to this Justice Center Oversight Committee (JCOC) through the staff of the Onondaga County/Syracuse Human Rights Commission. These staff are empowered to investigate allegations that are considered serious according to the legislation that created the JCOC. Complaints can be submitted by inmates, their family members or advocates via letter, using a Justice Center Complaint Form (English or Spanish), or in person at the Human Rights Commission Office located at the John H. Mulroy Civic Center, 11th Floor, 421 Montgomery Street, Syracuse, NY 13202.
The Justice Center Oversight Committee transmits its recommendations to the Sheriff, the County Executive, and to key leaders of the County Legislature, in order to assist them in preventing future incidents within the Justice Center. These recommendations only address Justice Center policy, procedure and training; the JCOC does not make recommendations related to discipline of jail staff.